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VGB Wealth Matters

Welcome to the latest VGB Wealth newsletter.

We have seen an interesting start to the new year with significant gains recorded in most markets during January only to be overturned by market events during February.  Whilst the late stages of February has seen a recovery of sorts everyone has an opinion on what the markets are doing, why they are doing it and where it will take us.  Reasons such as fear of rising interest rates, inflationary pressure, high levels of debt, overpriced assets and asset bubbles, and concerns over economic growth are all common.  

We cover a range of topics this month which we hope they are both informative and enjoyable.

  • ThreeSixty Research Market Update - February 2018;
  • MLC Economic Update with Bob Cunneen - February 2018;
  • Vanguard Investments - Back to basics; and
  • Processed Foods: A Health Nightmare

Please feel free to share this newsletter with your family, friends and work colleagues and if you have any questions please contact us on 9544 8863 or

Until next time, stay safe!


VGB Team

Grow, Protect and Enjoy your Wealth